However, i'm so determine to keep only what works for me at this very moment. I'll keep the not-so sure items on a box labelled "I'll see you next month" (what I mean is If I can live in peace without these items within one month, then I'll be completely firm I don't really need them)
Look what I found here (I'm so drooling right now). This particular one (Lagerlings, via desiretoinspire) is my absolute favourite!

I love the fact that it clearly divides her side and his side. I also love the head-to-toe organization system: you can see your bags collections, all tops and shirts being on the hangers, bottoms on the barely-visible-drawer, and then the shoes are neatly lined up. Although I prefer the wood tone to be in white plus a big full mirror (with a really nice frame in gold and white) behind the door of the closet. ^-^ So heavenly (a walk-in closet is every girl's dream!!)
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